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BednBlue Guarantee
Beste prijsgarantie
Wij garanderen dat bij BednBlue, alle aanbiedingen worden aangeboden tegen de laagste prijs in de markt.
Om er zeker van te zijn dat u niets minder ontvangt dan wat u bent overeengekomen, binden wij het totaalbedrag van de boeking tot de dag van uw aankomst aan de vermelding.
Listing Nauwkeurigheid
Wij garanderen dat alle aanbiedingen op BednBlue precies zijn zoals ze worden weergegeven. meer leren
Persoonlijke assistent
Vanaf het moment dat u boekt, zal een BednBlue vertegenwoordiger alles weten over uw reis en zal er zijn om u te helpen op elk moment dat je ze nodig hebt.
We have rented a boat including crew (skipper) from George, who is btw not an owner but a middleman, and on the checkin day we were asked by him to pay 1.5k EUR for the skipper. Luckily, the owner showed up and said he'll settle it and we're good to go, but he mentioned he is making us a FAVOR as otherwise we'd be forced to pay not to have our holidays ruined last minute... It really wasn't the most pleasant experience and a ton of stress on day one. The boat itself was OK, a couple things broken and not best maintenance, but it was clean and spacious. And our skipper, Aris, was a great guy.
We have rented a boat including crew (skipper) from George, who is btw not an owner but a middleman, and on the checkin day we were asked by him to pay 1.5k EUR for the skipper. Luckily, the owner showed up and said he'll settle it and we're good to go, but he mentioned he is making us a FAVOR as otherwise we'd be forced to pay not to have our holidays ruined last minute... It really wasn't the most pleasant experience and a ton of stress on day one. The boat itself was OK, a couple things broken and not best maintenance, but it was clean and spacious. And our skipper, Aris, was a great guy.