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StefanosKom erbij. October 2019
Markeer deze gebruiker
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Sailing for amazing week. Best price at the best service. Stefanos is very kindly and helpful. We rent the boat for a week and we had amazing time. For sure i recommend tha company.
A Great experience. Everything was great, The yacht is very beautiful, excellent service and surely a value for money experience. Absolutely recommended
An amazing experience!!! the best experience. we passed fantastic. The child with the boat was very helpful and very friendly. The boat is in perfect condition and has all the means to offer you all the amenities !! Thank you so much for Stephan !!!
One week yachting experience. Nice experience with this company and yacht. Good value for money and pleasant beaches to visit on Rhodos and nearby islands. The boat is in good condition, and comfortable. Excellent service and a company to be recommended.
Amazing daily trip. We had a beautiful amazing daily trip at Kallithea Thermes and Anthony Quinn bay. Excellent service with a beautiful sailing Yacht. For sure i recommend this company,thanks for one more time.
Sailing for amazing week. Best price at the best service. Stefanos is very kindly and helpful. We rent the boat for a week and we had amazing time. For sure i recommend tha company.
Vassiliki K
A day off. Highly recommended.. Excellent organization.. Kind staff .. We found the boat very clean and everything was perfect..
Stefanos P
A Great experience. Everything was great, The yacht is very beautiful, excellent service and surely a value for money experience. Absolutely recommended
Excellent!! Very clean and comfortable.. We had a realy nice trip arround Rhodes island.. We are certainly going to take it for a bigger trip soon!
An amazing experience!!! the best experience. we passed fantastic. The child with the boat was very helpful and very friendly. The boat is in perfect condition and has all the means to offer you all the amenities !! Thank you so much for Stephan !!!
One week yachting experience. Nice experience with this company and yacht. Good value for money and pleasant beaches to visit on Rhodos and nearby islands. The boat is in good condition, and comfortable. Excellent service and a company to be recommended.
Nikos G
Great Experience. Clean, comfortable kai luxury vessel, i will book it again for sure the next time i would like to travel around the Greek Islands
Heik Germ
Amazing daily trip. We had a beautiful amazing daily trip at Kallithea Thermes and Anthony Quinn bay. Excellent service with a beautiful sailing Yacht. For sure i recommend this company,thanks for one more time.
Unforgettable experience very friendly environment and reasonable price I highly recommend it to everyon!!!!!!