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BednBlue Guarantee
Beste prijsgarantie
Wij garanderen dat bij BednBlue, alle aanbiedingen worden aangeboden tegen de laagste prijs in de markt.
Om er zeker van te zijn dat u niets minder ontvangt dan wat u bent overeengekomen, binden wij het totaalbedrag van de boeking tot de dag van uw aankomst aan de vermelding.
Listing Nauwkeurigheid
Wij garanderen dat alle aanbiedingen op BednBlue precies zijn zoals ze worden weergegeven. meer leren
Persoonlijke assistent
Vanaf het moment dat u boekt, zal een BednBlue vertegenwoordiger alles weten over uw reis en zal er zijn om u te helpen op elk moment dat je ze nodig hebt.
This was our fifth sailing holiday but our first with Adonis Sailyachts. Apostolos is definitely the best skipper we have sailed with, very attentive to our needs, always at hand when needed but never intrusive either. He took us to some of the best bays I've seen for swimming and also recommended some great restaurants too. Our two week holiday just flew by and we were sad to leave which to me is a sign of a great holiday. We can highly recommend sailing with Apostolos!
This was our fifth sailing holiday but our first with Adonis Sailyachts. Apostolos is definitely the best skipper we have sailed with, very attentive to our needs, always at hand when needed but never intrusive either. He took us to some of the best bays I've seen for swimming and also recommended some great restaurants too. Our two week holiday just flew by and we were sad to leave which to me is a sign of a great holiday. We can highly recommend sailing with Apostolos!